Still for G., once more (pity he doesn’t read English!)
[Permission to monkey with Frost’s famous poem granted by the author himself]
[Permission to monkey with Frost’s famous poem granted by the author himself]
By Ester Astudillo
You turn me on.
With a flame for a rose
And a fuck for hunger
I come alife, anti-Midas-wise fashion:
I gorge on your hand
The minute you take mine,
Its sleek tepid golden touch
So unlike a human’s.
Your mouth inflamed my lungs,
Your daring made me greedy,
A lush voluptuousness
Awaiting solely our resolve.
The smell of rain
Soaking our hearts
That day we jointly
Peeled our flesh off
Shots back, spiralling,
It now mocks my insubstantial
No embellishments granted.
Wasn’t it going to be like this?
The strict simplicity
Of thought, sex
... And love, perhaps?
I cannot pretend
We ever made it,
Not any more,
Though your sperm
Keeps pulsating
Inside my funnel,
Oh so sparingly and palatable!,
And I grow big,
No witnesses granted,
And my litter come to live
Fatherlessly wounded.
You split me open
Your venomous arrow
Exquisitely on fire,
Ever so deliberate!
Such was the expediency in it!
Yet you failed to dig deep
When all needed was
That minute spare
Of bold lunacy.
And the road not traveled, my dear,
Please take my word for this,
That has made all the difference.
With a flame for a rose
And a fuck for hunger
I come alife, anti-Midas-wise fashion:
I gorge on your hand
The minute you take mine,
Its sleek tepid golden touch
So unlike a human’s.
Your mouth inflamed my lungs,
Your daring made me greedy,
A lush voluptuousness
Awaiting solely our resolve.
The smell of rain
Soaking our hearts
That day we jointly
Peeled our flesh off
Shots back, spiralling,
It now mocks my insubstantial
No embellishments granted.
Wasn’t it going to be like this?
The strict simplicity
Of thought, sex
... And love, perhaps?
I cannot pretend
We ever made it,
Not any more,
Though your sperm
Keeps pulsating
Inside my funnel,
Oh so sparingly and palatable!,
And I grow big,
No witnesses granted,
And my litter come to live
Fatherlessly wounded.
You split me open
Your venomous arrow
Exquisitely on fire,
Ever so deliberate!
Such was the expediency in it!
Yet you failed to dig deep
When all needed was
That minute spare
Of bold lunacy.
And the road not traveled, my dear,
Please take my word for this,
That has made all the difference.
8 comentarios:
Es que ni Henry Miller lo habría dicho mejor.
Ja, ja! Con su Sexus y su Plexus, no?
Que nos conocemos largo y tendido, y me he quedado con tu cara, jodío!!!
Als semianalfabets en poesia anglesa ja ens agraden aquests jocs sobre textos que ens sonen (miracle!). Però amb un contingut no apte per a menors, en aquest cas. Un turn of the screw interessant, sublimat.
Ei, Andreu. ¿Qué hace un poeta como tú en un sitio como éste?
Doncs sí, què faríem els malalts que ens dediquem a escriure si no poguéssim sublimar els nostres desitjos amb l'escriptura? Anar-nos fent cops de cap constantement per les parets? Indiscutiblement, millor escriure, no sé si menys lesiu, però.
Què tal la teva princeseta?
¿Tendremos que ponerle dos rombos a este blog??? Ni Anaïs Nin, compi.
Seguim viatjant along "the one less travelled by".
Un petonet.
Sois unos recalentados. Volved a Esproceda!
Juana Inés de la +
Como poeta estás subiendo a los niveles más altos. Eres un manantial de vida interior. No pares, que este blog te necesita. Un beso.
Ja, Ja! Una vida interior de puta m., donde m. es un factor en el algoritmo incompatible con la lectura habitual 'madre'.
Gràcies, Rufino. Tú sí que sabes.
Besos, besos, besos.
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