I've gained the world then lost their lost
maybe it's cause I'm getting old
all the people that I know
have gained the world then lost their souls
MORCHEEBA in Dive Deep
My thanks to Morcheeba,
from whom I borrowed a line in the poem
apart from the quote
An to P. He knows well what for
The world is so small - it turns out.
A memento of sorts,
boundaries within easy reach
–and so British!
I could have met Lady Macbeth, as it goes,
-be indeed Lady Macbeth-
or come across Queen Elizabeth,
be a number among her damsels -
had the stars been inclined differently.
So don’t find me.
Don’t search the globe for me,
however apt for navigation.
Cause if you do
some day you’ll be tempted to say
there are words for people like me
and I couldn’t agree less:
I don’t think there’s very many.
* * *
El món és petit
a dia d’avui
Poc més que un souvenir,
amb els confins tan a mà!
-i tan britànic!
Podria, com qui diu, haver conegut lady Macbeth
-o millor encara, ser lady Macbeth-,
o haver coincidit amb la reina Isabel,
ser una dama en plantilla –
si els astres ho hagueren volgut.
Així és que no em trobis.
No furguis l’orbe,
navegable i tot.
Si ho feies, tard o d’hora et temptaria de dir
que hi ha un nom per a la gent com jo
i no hi puc estar menys d’acord:
no n’hi ha, d’això.
No n’hi ha.
Primer libro de odas (7)
Hace 1 día
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