lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

Very Brief Love Letter-Song

If I had met you on some journey
where would we be now?
Would you have worn your silken robes
all made of royal blue?
Would I have dressed in smoke and fire
for you to see through?

Would you have taken me upstairs
and turned the lamplight low?
Would I have shown my secret self
and disappeared like the snow?

SUZANNE VEGA in 'Some Journey'

By Ester Astudillo

I pray you: never pay heed
to the vicious words that escape my mouth;
it's the sad bitter Goneril in me
who does the talking.

Picture me rather
as the laced ballerina
I never cared to play
not having met you,
a tame Cordelia.

Now your pink tatoo on my skin
makes an old seaman of me,
which I never planned to be,

who learned ancient tongues
wanting to reach some port.
But I guess I missed it.

Let it suffice then
that I can picture you
as a sweet blue thing
escaping me someplace
while you see in me
a white-clad figurine
who tends to you well.

Let's make of what might have been
some sort of consoling.
Let's wholeheartedly belive
in Shakespeare's All's Well.

5 comentarios:

Beatriz dijo...

Sorry!!! Crec que he avançat la tem``atica una setmana. Glups!!!

Mercè Mestre dijo...

Podem muntar una despistaderia, col·legui. Per cert, com deu ser en british "despistaderia"?


R.P.M. dijo...

All's well y no porque lo diga el insigne dramaturgo, que ya sabemos cómo continúa la frase, sino porque "Todo está bien" -perdón por la traducción literal- dentro de esas líneas tan bonitas llamadas versos hechos por Ester, aparecidas por error temático je je.

Beatriz dijo...

Bueno, licencia poética, Rufino: no pretendía aludir por evasión justamente al final del título del insigne, sólo quería referirme al principio. Y me di cuenta de que precisamente la omisión del final podría interpretarse justamente como lo principal justamente por no dicho. Pero no, sorry, licencia poética -más o menos conseguida.

Despistadería, nova gamma de botigues del tot a 100, també megaàsia o xinos. Es respira l'olor del canvi, Mercè? Jo com que estic de vacances... i no miro tele... no en tinc ni fava;)

Mercè Mestre dijo...

Jo... eesteeeee...és que he tornat a la feina el dia dels innocents i només hi havia la llufa. Sorry.